Rejuvance Face
The Head controls the whole body and gathers stress and tension of everyday life with various problems.
With the fingertips,gentle techqunicues are applied to detoxify the subcataneus connective tissue.
Massage and muscle rejuvenation techniques aim to restore the "natural shape" of the Face.
In a short time the wrinkles are smoothed,the eyelides are renewed,the elasticity is restored,the fine lines dissapear,and the muscle tone is restored.
Pressure of specific parts of the head relieve and create euphoria,but at the same time they can have a therapeutic effects in the case of headaches, sinusitus or colds.
Of Course ,a health problem cannot be treated satisfactorily withour a doctor advice,but a gentle touch is addionally able to reduce the pain and other symptoms tha afflict us.
Applying this massage improves circulation to the head,face and skull,while increasing the trajectory of mobility in the neck and shoulder girdle.
Its also relaxes the muscles of the face,making the face look younger and reduces psychological tension and stress.It calms us and relives us.